Thanks for signing up!

Thanks so much.  This action alert is incredibly urgent: Please ask your friends to join our efforts right away, as Obama will make a decision about appealing the lawsuit any day now, and the vote on indefinite detention will take place in a matter of weeks.

(You'll be helping us meme President Obama, by sharing the image at right.)

Please use these links to spread the word:

[fb]If you're already on Facebook, click here to share with your friends.
[fb]If you're already on Twitter, click here to tweet about the campaign: Tweet
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Can you chip in a couple dollars to support Demand Progress's ongoing work?

We're a non-profit with a tiny staff and we're funded through small contributions from members like you. Anything you can contribute would be a big help in keeping us going:

Click here to donate to Demand Progress via PayPal or credit card.

Click here to donate to Demand Progress by ActBlue Express or credit card.

***You can also support our work by pre-ordering our forthcoming book about the story of the anti-SOPA fight. It's called Hacking Politics: How Geeks, Progressives, the Tea Party, Gamers, Anarchists, and Suits Teamed Up to Defeat SOPA and Save the Internet. In the spirit of the free culture movement, the ebook is being offered at a pay-what-you-wish price.
