Mozilla stood up for marriage equality, so let's show them our support.

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    Mozilla just took a stand for equality and we need to show them our support.

    Last month, Mozilla appointed Brendan Eich as its new CEO. But Eich has a nasty blemish on his resume: a $1000 donation to California's anti-equality law, Prop 8. For a company whose mission is to "promote openness, innovation & opportunity on the Web," the choice of Eich didn't seem right. Even more troubling was Eich's refusal to apologize for his contribution to a cause that denied civil rights to thousands of citizens. But after an uproar from all over the Internet, Eich is stepping down and Mozilla has reaffirmed its commitment equal rights.

    Join us now in supporting Mozilla's commitment to equality.

    Mozilla could have easily dug in their heels and embraced the status-quo. Instead, they did the honorable thing and apologized for not living up to their own standards.

    Mitchell Baker, their Executive Chairwoman wrote: "Mozilla believes both in equality and freedom of speech. Equality is necessary for meaningful speech. And you need free speech to fight for equality."

    We couldn't agree more.

    But make no mistake, this isn't over yet. Mozilla is already taking heat for standing up for what's right, so it's imperative we have their back.

    Just add your name to the right to stand with Mozilla's commitment to equality.

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