Demand Progress

End the Trump tax cuts!

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    End the Trump tax cuts!

    Petition to Congress:
    We urge you to get rid of the Trump tax cuts and end tax loopholes for big corporations.

    Elon Musk might be in hot water…again. A Tesla shareholder just sued Musk for alleged insider trading.1

    The lawsuit accuses Musk of a $7.5 billion stock dump before potentially disappointing Tesla production news went public.2 That’s a lot of money for one mega-rich CEO to have.

    Musk has been able to get so rich in part because of the Trump tax cuts. The Trump tax cuts (signed into law in 2017) gave corporations and the ultra-wealthy even bigger tax breaks and even more loopholes to exploit. Congress must change the tax code to work for the average person, not the ultra-wealthy.

    Sign the petition: Tell Congress to get rid of the Trump tax cuts. Make Elon Musk, the ultra-rich, and corporations pay their fair share!

    Not only did the Trump administration’s signature tax cut legislation slash the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, the Trump tax cuts were full of loopholes that are allowing America’s largest corporation to pay WAY less in taxes.3

    Those tax cuts are still in effect AND Republicans want to see even deeper cuts to what millionaires, billionaires, and corporations pay in taxes.

    The Trump tax cuts are a disaster for anyone who’s not Elon Musk, a multi-millionaire or billionaire, or a massive corporation. They have enough advantages already, including plenty of representatives in Congress who are looking out for them. Working class Americans need lawmakers to step up and say no to more GOP tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy and corporations.

    Add your name: End the Trump tax cuts that help ultra-rich corporate CEOs like Elon Musk.


    1. Reuters, “Tesla shareholder sues Musk for alleged $7.5 billion insider trading,” May 31, 2024.
    2. Ibid.
    3. Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, “Corporate Tax Avoidance in the First Five Years of the Trump Tax Law,” February 29, 2024.