Netflix Sharing Will Be A Crime? Fight Back:
The recording industry just came up with yet another way to throw its customers in prison. Tennessee is enacting a law to make it illegal to share passwords for "entertainment subscription services" like Netflix and Rhapsody. From the Associated Press:
State lawmakers in country music's capital have passed a groundbreaking measure that would make it a crime to use a friend's login - even with permission - to listen to songs or watch movies from services such as Netflix or Rhapsody.
This isn't just an effort led by overzealous local lawmakers, and it won't stop at Tennessee's borders. The Recording Industry Association of America is behind the bill, and they're pushing it across the country.
The bill, which has been signed by Gov. Bill Haslam and takes effect July 1, was pushed by recording industry officials....They hope other states will follow.
There are countless ways for these services to address their concerns without threatening to lock people up. Will you urge your state lawmakers to oppose similar legislation in your state? Just sign on at right to send them this note, under your name and email:
TO MY STATE LEGISLATORS: The recording industry is trying to pass laws that would have people thrown in prison up for sharing their own passwords to services like Netflix. There are countless ways for these services to address their concerns without threatening to put people in prison. I urge you to oppose any legislation that would make it a crime for me to share a password with my friends.
Just fill out the form at right to automatically email your state lawmakers.
Here's an AP article on the just-passed Tennessee legislation.
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