Sign the petition to tell the U.S. Government: Drop the RIDICULOUS charges against Chelsea Manning!

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U.S. Government: Drop your RIDICULOUS charges against Chelsea Manning!

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    Chelsea Manning, the Guardian columnist and whistleblower responsible for one of WikiLeaks' most important releases, has been in jail for five years facing an unjust 35 year sentence for exposing some of the U.S. government's worst abuses.

    Now, Chelsea is being threatened with indefinite solitary confinement, and the "charges" against her — such as possession of a tube of expired toothpaste and LGBTQ magazines — demonstrate that her basic human rights are being violated.

    Chelsea requested that her hearing tomorrow be made open to the public, but officials refused. And now she's being denied access to the prison's legal library.

    Sign our petition right now to let the U.S. government know: the whole world is watching, and we won't stand by while you attempt to jail and torture whistleblowers who stand up for democracy and free speech.


    "Dear Boards Branch, Directorate of Inmate Administration: putting any human being in indefinite solitary confinement is inexcusable, and for offenses as trivial as these (an expired tube of toothpaste, and possession magazines?) it is a discredit to America's military and its system of justice. We demand that these charges against Chelsea Manning be dropped, and request that Chelsea's hearing on August 18th be made open to the public, to ensure she is treated fairly."