The FBI is stockpiling information about millions of innocent people’s bodies in a giant biometric database.

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    And they’re doing so with essentially NO oversight from Congress or our courts.

    The FBI has repeatedly failed to tell the public even the basics about this massive database – called the Next Generation Identification (NGI) system. 

    The FBI and other law enforcement use this massive database to search for “suspects” of any crime without warrants. 

    But a government watchdog just found high levels of inaccuracy with the system’s facial recognition software that have led to misidentifying innocent people as criminals, and have kept thousands from getting jobs due to faulty background checks.

    Worse still, the FBI has even started using the database to track peaceful political activists instead of just criminals.

    Now its pushing to make the system secret and exempt from standard privacy laws.

    We have the chance to stop this outrageous power grab by the FBI. The DOJ is accepting public comments until July 6th to decide whether or not to block the FBI’s request.

    File a public comment and tell the FBI: We won’t let you exempt your surveillance tools from our privacy protections!