The government wants permission to expand social media spying.

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    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants permission to spy on the social media accounts of US visitors – and anyone associated with their “online presence” – without any cause or oversight.

    The government says they need these expanded investigation powers for national security.

    But someone’s “online presence” – that includes everything from who you follow on Twitter to that random acquaintance you friended on Facebook 5 years ago – is not necessarily representative of someone’s belief system or future actions.

    And if Homeland Security misinterprets these connections, innocent visitors – and everyone they’ve ever associated with online – could be flagged for additional government spying.

    Meanwhile those who DO want to harm national security could easily create dummy social media accounts to get around this policy.

    This proposal is far more likely to present too much irrelevant data to be an effective screening tool for national security purposes.

    And this week is our LAST CHANCE to stop the DHS from creating a social media dragnet. Add your name to submit your public comment to stop the Department of Homeland Security’s social media spying proposal!