Demand Progress

Ban cluster bombs!

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    Ban cluster bombs!

    Petition to Congress:
    We urge you to support measures to ban the sale of cluster bombs, including Amendment 181 to H.R. 4665 - Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024.

    First, the House was ready to take the first vote towards the landmark ban of cluster bombs — uniquely evil weapons of war that present immediate threats to civilians during armed conflicts and leave behind de facto landmines that threaten civilians for decades and decades.

    Then, Republicans delayed the vote.1 It’s absolutely critical that Congress wastes no more time and takes action to ban cluster bombs. 124 countries have already banned these weapons,2 and the United States must finally join them. No more Republican delays!

    Sign the petition: Tell Congress to take immediate action to ban cluster bombs.

    Rep. Sara Jacobs spoke on why this vote is so important: “Sending cluster munitions anywhere in the world makes the United States complicit in the unavoidable and inevitable civilian harm that follows.”3

    Large swaths of countries in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Central Europe are plagued with landmines because of U.S. use of cluster bombs decades ago. The U.S. government should never use these weapons again and never sell these weapons to other countries. It’s time to end cluster bomb use now.

    Add your name: Ban cluster bombs!


    1. The Intercept, “Republican Disarray Delays House Vote to Ban Cluster Bomb Transfers,” September 14, 2023.
    2. Ibid.
    3. Ibid.