Demand Progress

Break up UnitedHealth's health care monopoly!

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    Break up UnitedHealth's health care monopoly!

    Petition to the Department of Justice:
    We urge you to protect patients, workers, and market competition by breaking up UnitedHealth.

    Health Insurance corporations have overcharged the government by $50 billion through private Medicare plans by making up fake illnesses for patients.1

    The worst offender is UnitedHealth, which received $8.7 billion in government payments in 2021 from “insurer-driven diagnoses” that were not treated by doctors.2

    UnitedHealth Group has rapidly become the largest health care conglomerate in the country.3 And it's using its power to put profits over patients, take money away from Medicare, and buy up care facilities. The Department of Justice (DOJ) has taken notice and is investigating UHC’s monopolistic practices.

    Sign the petition: Urge the DOJ to hold UnitedHealth accountable and halt its runaway corporate growth! Stop UnitedHealth from becoming a health care monopoly.

    The DOJ investigation comes as UnitedHealth is rapidly buying up doctors’ practices and outpatient surgery centers.4 The corporation is trying to get bigger and bigger and gain more control over the costs of health insurance and care, which will make executives richer while jacking up prices. It’s a clear example of profits being prioritized over patient care.

    Senator Elizabeth Warren said on UHC, “For the sake of our patients, our doctors and nurses, and the American taxpayer, it is time to break up the UnitedHealth monopoly.”5

    UnitedHealth must be held accountable and its health care monopoly must be broken up!

    Add your name: Patients over corporate profits! Stop UnitedHealth.


    1. Wall Street Journal, “Insurers Pocketed $50 Billion From Medicare for Diseases No Doctor Treated,” July 8, 2024.
    2. Yahoo Finance, “Insurers Bilk Medicare for $50 Billion to Treat Fictitious Illnesses,” July 8, 2024.
    3. CNBC, “How UnitedHealth Group grew bigger than the nation’s biggest banks,” May 20, 2023.
    4. Stat News, “UnitedHealth is on a buying spree of outpatient surgery centers,” March 11, 2024.
    5. Office of Senator Elizabeth Warren, “At Hearing, Warren Blasts UnitedHealth CEO for Monopolistic Practices that Raise Prices, Stomp Out Competition, and Harm Patients,” May 1, 2024.