Petition to all state legislatures:
The horrifying attack in Charlottesville, Virginia cost the life of Heather Heyer and shows the dangers of legislation protecting drivers who hit protestors with their vehicles. Please vote down any “driver immunity” legislation in your legislature and work to ensure no similar bills are introduced in the future.
In Charlottesville, Virginia, a white supremacist rammed his car into a crowd of anti-racist protestors and ended the life of Heather Heyer, injuring 19 more.
After this horrifying attack, it's enraging to learn that state lawmakers around the country are pushing legislation that would protect drivers who ram their vehicles into crowds of protestors.
Sign the petition to tell your state legislature: Reject “driver immunity” legislation protecting motorists who hit and kill protestors with their vehicles.
The “driver immunity” bill in North Carolina has already passed the state House 67 to 48, and now sits in front of the state Senate.
It would shield a driver from civil liability for injuring a protestor with their car if they use “due care” while driving – a debatable term that would give another layer of protection for deadly drivers.
North Carolina Republicans now say there are “no plans” to pass the bill through the Senate, but it is not acceptable to just table the bill until public outrage dies down.
North Carolina State Rep. Graig Meyer (D) put it best, “Not good enough. Senate can kill the bill with a vote for an unfavorable report. Actions speak louder than words.”
We need to send a clear message to North Carolina and other states that existing “driver immunity” legislation must be unequivocally rejected – and that the people will not tolerate it being reintroduced next year.
Sign the petition to your state legislature: Reject dangerous legislation that would protect drivers who kill protestors.
1. Associated Press, “Driver Immunity for Injured Protester on Road Clears House,” April 28, 2017.
2. Tweet by @GraigMeyer, Aug. 14, 2017.