“Punishing Chelsea Manning for attempting to take her own life after systemic mistreatment is inhumane. Drop these new charges, and immediately give Chelsea access to adequate health care.”
After facing years of systematic abuse by the US government, whistleblower Chelsea Manning attempted to take her own life in prison on July 5, 2016.
And now, US military officials have informed her that she faces three new serious "administrative" charges related to her suicide attempt:
- Resisting the force cell move team (Chelsea was unconscious when this team arrived, which makes this charge particularly absurd.)
- Prohibited property (For the items she used to attempt to take her own life.)
- Conduct which threatens (For somehow putting the prison at risk while attempting to take her own life, quietly, in her own cell.)
If convicted of these trumped up charges, Chelsea faces:
- Indefinite solitary confinement for the rest of her prison term (another 30 years)
- “Maximum security” classification (in the same facility), and
- Nearly a decade before she can ever be classified as a “minimum security” prisoner.
There’s one reason that the US government is trying to punish Chelsea for attempting to take her own life: To silence her voice for good.
But we won’t be silent. And only our support can get the government to back off.
Add your name to tell the US government: Drop these absurd administrative charges against Chelsea Manning NOW and give her adequate access to the health care NOW!