President Obama's FCC is still trying to avoid real Net Neutrality rules. Tell the him to rein them in right now!

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Tell Obama to Save His Legacy: Rein in the FCC Now!

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    President Obama's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is still trying to end true Net Neutrality!  (And is destroying Obama's legacy in the process.)

    The Wall Street Journal reports that Obama's FCC head Tom Wheeler is trying to ram through a fake deal that would allow Internet Service Providers (ISP's) to discriminate between online content and charge sites extra fees if they want to avoid being slowed down. 

    Shocker: Tom Wheeler used to run the lobbying organization for cable companies.

    The FCC is spitting in the eyes of the millions of Americans who demanded real Net Neutrality by reclassifying ISP's as Title II services.

    Tell Obama to rein in the out-of-control FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and come out for a strong Title II rule that bans fees and discrimination. We'll Tweet the names of petition signers (one-by-one) at the Obama administration and FCC commissioners, until they get the message!

    The tweets will take a form similar to these sample tweets: 

    Dear @BarackObama: @TomWheelerFCC, is going rogue! [First Name] [First Initial Last Name] from [State] supports strong #netneutrality &pure Title II rule @vj44
    Dear @BarackObama: Don't let @TomWheelerFCC sell us out. [First Name] [First Initial Last Name] from [State] wants #netneutrality & REAL Title II @ pfeiffer44

    Dear @BarackObama: Don't let @TomWheelerFCC ruin ur legacy. [First Name] [First Initial Last Name] from [State] wants #NetNeutrality & REAL Title II

    *Click here to read the Wall Street Journal's report on the FCC's new plan.