It’s official: Trump has picked right-wing extremist Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee.

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Petition: Block Trump's extremist Supreme Court nominee

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    Petition to the Senate:
    Instead of a consensus choice, Donald Trump nominated right-wing extremist Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. We cannot trust such a far-right ideologue to serve as a check on Trump’s authoritarian ambitions or to uphold our core American freedoms. Please use every legal and procedural power at your disposal to delay, resist, and ultimately block Neil Gorsuch's nomination from being confirmed.

    This is a huge moment for the future of the Supreme Court.

    From the day he was sworn in, Donald Trump has proved his flagrant contempt for the U.S. Constitution. He’s violated the Constitution’s prohibition on foreign payments to public officials (the “emoluments clause”) since day one, and rammed through an unconstitutional, un-American Muslim ban.

    Last year, Senate Republicans took the radical and unprecedented step of blockading President Obama’s nomination of respected moderate jurist Merrick Garland.

    Now, Trump wants to force through extremist Neil Gorsuch and entrench a right-wing majority on the Supreme Court for decades.

    Sign the petition: The Senate must use every power it has available – including the filibuster – to block Trump’s extremist Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.

    Trump didn’t even TRY to chart a moderate course with his Supreme Court nominee, even after losing the popular vote by 2.8 million and entering office more unpopular than any other incoming president on record.

    Neil Gorsuch was handpicked by right-wing groups the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society because they know at age 49 he’ll cast far-right votes on the court for decades.

    The future of the Supreme Court hangs in the balance.

    Sign the petition: The Senate must use every power it has available – including the filibuster – to block Trump’s extremist Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.

    Here are just some of the reasons to be concerned if Gorsuch got confirmed:

    • Gorsuch has a distorted view of “religious liberty” that justifies striking down rules ensuring birth control for employees – but could leave Trump’s unlawful and un-American ban on Muslims in effect.
    • Corrupt cronyism seems to run in the family. His mother was forced to resign from running the EPA for abusing her power and playing political favorites with toxic waste cleanup sites. Think he’ll stand up against Trump’s unconstitutional abuse of power for self-enrichment?
    • Gorsuch’s vote could cement the court’s terrible mistakes in cases like Citizens United, enshrining the “right” of super-wealthy big campaign donors to buy their way to political results.
    • Net neutrality went in front of the second-highest court in the country last year and won – a huge victory for the internet. If Gorsuch is confirmed, it would put the future of the open internet at risk.

    The only way to retain the Supreme Court as a check on Trump – not a right-wing rubber stamp – is if the Senate rejects Gorsuch.

    Senate Democrats and Republicans alike will only fight this with every power they have if their constituents absolutely demand it.

    Sign the petition: The Senate must use every power it has available – including the filibuster – to block Trump’s extremist Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.