Senate Republicans are secretively fast-tracking a Trumpcare bill that could take health insurance away from 23 million Americans.

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Petition to the Senate: No secret healthcare repeal bill

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    Petition to Senate:
    Senate Mitch McConnell wants to push through a secretive Trumpcare bill as fast as possible, without any hearings, debate on the Senate floor, or testimony from experts. The American people deserve an open and transparent legislative process – especially when it comes to our healthcare. Publicly announce you will vote NO on any healthcare repeal bill negotiated in secret, without adequate time for evaluation by the American people.

    Mitch McConnell and his fellow Senate Republicans want to sneak a Trumpcare bill through the Senate as fast as possible. And I mean fast, as in putting the not-yet-written bill to a vote on the Senate floor by June 30th!1

    That means no hearings, no debate, no healthcare experts weighing in.2

    This legislation would drastically remake one-sixth of the U.S. economy – and kick tens of millions of Americans off their insurance coverage.3 The bill is so toxic Mitch McConnell knows it can’t stand the light of day.

    Sign the petition to the Senate: Oppose ANY healthcare repeal bill that is negotiated in secret, without adequate time for evaluation by the American people.

    For Mitch McConnell, passing this bill is a long shot, and without transparency and public debate longshots have a chance at passing through.

    McConnell’s secret healthcare repeal bill is a cynical ploy to ram through tax cuts for the rich at the expense of millions of people’s insurance coverage.

    But if just 3 Senate Republicans demand an end to the rushed, secretive process Mitch McConnell is using to push this toxic bill toward the finish line, it would FORCE the process out into the open.

    That’ll leave the Senate, and the public, with the opportunity to see this bill in full and measure its impact.

    And spoiler alert: we have a good idea what’s lurking in this bill – massive tax cuts for the wealthy, subsidies for greedy health insurance providers, and devastatingly little for everyone else.

    Which is why your Senators need to hear from you.

    Sign the petition to the Senate: No secret healthcare repeal bill.


    1. MSNBC "Senate Republicans intend to ram through secret health care bill" June 16, 2017
    2. Slate "The Senate’s Health Care Secrecy Is a Breathtaking Contempt for Democracy" June 16, 2017
    3. Think Progress "Senate Republicans were asked what they like about Trumpcare. They came up with nothing." June 16, 2017