We have a simple and fun way you can help us save the free and open internet: texting.
We’re using texts to invite people to events, share important information and give them ways to take action. People like you can answer questions in real time — and way better than a bot can.
After you've signed up, we’ll send you everything you need to get started. You’ll get to connect with people all across the country who care deeply about this issue, and you'll do it right from your computer with our peer-to-peer texting program.
Team Internet is a decentralized group of volunteers who are working together toward a shared goal of maintaining Title II Net Neutrality. We’re combining people power with technology to build a volunteer network of bold activists who can hold their leaders accountable!
We're working to persuade Members of Congress to support the CRA resolution to reverse the FCC’s repeal of Title II Net Neutrality and prevent legislation that could hurt the open internet.
At Team Internet, we see a future where our communities have the media and technology needed to build collective power, ask hard questions, and advocate for the issues that matter to us. Together we can make sure the internet is a tool for collective liberation.
*We'll be communicating with volunteers mostly via text and phone calls, so please add your cellphone number when you sign up!