Demand Progress

Hold Big Oil accountable!

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    Hold Big Oil accountable!

    Petition to Congress:
    Big Oil must be held accountable for jacking up prices on consumers. You must ensure Big Oil has to pay penalties for their actions, money that should then be invested in a renewable energy economy.

    Inflation. The war in Ukraine. And…record Big Oil profits.

    As people struggled to gas up their cars and international conflict roiled, Big Oil companies raked in historic profits.1 President Biden has spoken out against Big Oil’s price gouging – even calling for the Federal Trade Commission to investigate “potentially illegal conduct.”2 Now is the time for action, to hold Big Oil accountable for jacking up prices.

    Sign the petition: Congress must penalize Big Oil for price gouging and reinvest that money into an equitable transition to a renewable energy economy.

    In California, Governor Gavin Newsom wants to penalize Big Oil for excessive price increases.3 This should be expanded nationally – and Congress must step in to do just that, for the sake of justice and to protect Americans from future price gouging.

    It’s bad enough that oil companies continue to contribute to the climate crisis while using their profits to lobby our elected leaders and block climate action. They cannot take advantage of consumers at these unchecked and alarming rates – Congress must penalize them and put that money back towards an equitable transition to a renewable energy economy.

    Add your name urging Congress to hold Big Oil accountable for price gouging.


    1. CBS News, “Oil giants rake in record profits as energy prices remain high,” October 28, 2022.
    2. Politico, “Biden asks FTC to investigate oil and gas companies” November 17, 2021.
    3. Office of Governor Gavin Newsom, “Top 10 Reasons for a Price Gouging Penalty on Big Oil” December 6, 2022.