The Democratic Party platform must oppose the disastrous TPP trade deal

Step 1 of 3

Tell the Democratic Platform Committee: Oppose the TPP

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    This could be a tipping point in the fight against the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.

    Despite Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders’s shared opposition to the trade deal, the DNC’s Platform Drafting Committee recently voted down an amendment to put clear opposition to the TPP into the Democratic platform.

    Now we have an urgent opportunity: The larger Democratic Platform Committee meets on July 8 and 9 in Orlando to finalize the party platform.

    With a loud enough uproar, we can get the committee to reverse course and put the anti-TPP amendment into the official Democratic platform.

    Sign the petition to tell the Democratic Platform Committee that the Democratic Party platform must include clear opposition to the TPP trade deal.

    It’s been clear from day one that the TPP is a huge giveaway for multinational corporations.

    It puts at risk virtually every safeguard against corporate wrongdoing, from environmental protections to fair labor standards to strong rules reining in Wall Street.

    That’s why Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, a large majority of congressional Democrats, and almost every environmental, labor, Internet freedom, and Wall Street accountability group stand united against the TPP.

    The TPP would even let corporations use private “investor-state dispute settlement” tribunals to challenge U.S. laws they claim harm their “expectations” of future profits!

    Getting the Democratic Party officially on the record will be key to stopping the TPP for good.

    Sign the petition to tell the Democratic Platform Committee: "The Democratic Party platform must include clear opposition to the TPP trade deal."