Demand Progress

Stop the GOP debt ceiling plan!

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    Stop the GOP debt ceiling plan!

    Petition to President Biden and Congressional Democrats:
    Republicans are using this debt ceiling fight to try to make cuts to social programs, clean energy tax credits, IRS funding, and senior benefits. Please do not give in to GOP demands. Hold firm against McCarthy’s debt ceiling plan.

    Kevin McCarthy and the GOP have a plan — a plan to rip apart President Biden’s agenda. McCarthy’s extreme debt limit plan not only slashes federal spending, threatening Medicare and Social Security, it rolls back key Biden policies.1

    McCarthy’s plan would gut critical IRS funding that Democrats passed to crackdown on billionaire tax cheats, get rid of clean energy tax credits — a tool to fight the climate crisis, add work requirements to social safety net programs meant to deny benefits to people in need, and block Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. It could also eliminate housing and food benefits for seniors in need.2

    Democrats can’t give in to McCarthy’s disastrous plan that jeopardizes the social safety net, the fight against climate change, tax enforcement on the rich, and so much more.

    Sign the petition to Democrats in Congress and President Biden: Stand firm against GOP cuts!

    McCarthy’s got a 'list of demands' that big corporations and Wall Street love, but that will hurt regular everyday Americans. It’s very clear that Republicans are trying to undo critical policies from Biden’s first two years in office. We can’t let that happen.

    Slashing and restricting benefits that go to seniors, disabled people, and those with incomes below the poverty line is cruel — ESPECIALLY when the GOP is trying to also strip funding from the IRS meant to collect taxes in full from the richest Americans exploiting tax loopholes.

    Simply put, McCarthy’s plan cannot stand.

    President Biden and Democrats must make it clear: No GOP cuts, no undoing the Democratic policy accomplishments that have been made in the last 2 years.


    1. CNN, “Here’s what’s in the House GOP debt limit bill,” April 20, 2023.
    2. Ibid.