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Hold price-gouging corporations accountable. Pass a Windfall Profits tax!

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    Hold price-gouging corporations accountable. Pass a Windfall Profits tax!

    Petition to Congress:
    We urge you to pass a Windfall Profits Tax to hold corporations accountable for price gouging.

    Food giants like Tyson and Hormel are allegedly using a third-party firm to share secret data and jack up the price of chicken, pork and turkey.1

    "This is probably one of the top five food scandals of the 21st Century," a former grocery executive told More Perfect Union.2

    Congress needs to step in, end price gouging, and punish corporations for jacking up prices. We need a Windfall Profits tax now to take profits back and put them to work for all Americans, not just wealthy CEOs.

    Sign the petition: Congress must pass a Windfall Profits tax to hold corporations accountable for price gouging.

    Giant corporations — from supermarket chains to big food producers — are responsible for a historic spike in food prices since 2019. This price-fixing scandal is part of that story.

    It’s alleged that Agri Stats, the data company that the Department of Justice is suing, allows food giants to restrict output, manipulate the market, and raise the prices consumers are forced to pay for meat at the grocery store.3

    A Windfall Profits tax would place a 95% tax on a company’s profits that are in excess of their average profit level from 2015-20194 — ensuring that companies can’t continue reaping record profits from their corporate price gouging.

    Sign the petition and demand that Congress pass a windfall profits tax to curb reckless and rampant price-gouging across the country.


    1. Common Dreams, “Video Shows How US Meat Industry Colludes to Boost Prices,” August 21, 2024.
    2. More Perfect Union, “This Is The Biggest Food Scandal In History,” August 20, 2024.
    3. Common Dreams, “Video Shows How US Meat Industry Colludes to Boost Prices,” August 21, 2024.
    4. Office of Senator Bernie Sanders, “Sanders Introduces Legislation to Reinstate the WWII Windfall Profit Tax to Combat Rising Inequality, Inflation, and Corporate Profiteering,” March 25, 2022.