Demand Progress

Sign the petition: Restore net neutrality!

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    Sign the petition: Restore net neutrality!

    Petition to the President and Congress:
    We urge President Biden to nominate, and the Senate to confirm, a 5th commissioner to the Federal Communications Commission to break the 2-2 tie and reinstate strong net neutrality rules.

    This is a critical moment for net neutrality -- and we need your help.

    Ajit Pai finally left the Federal Communications Commission when Joe Biden took office. That removes a major roadblock to restoring net neutrality. But now the FCC  is deadlocked, and will remain so until Biden announces, and the Senate confirms, a fifth commissioner.

    Demand Progress is mobilizing the internet to urge Biden to nominate a fifth commissioner who doesn't have ties to the media and telecom industries, who will stand up to Big Cable -- and who supports restoring net neutrality. The White House is listening to what we have to say. Will you speak up now?

    Sign the petition: Tell President Biden to restore net neutrality! 

    The Big Cable companies are already undermining the principles of an open internet. After the pandemic sent many of us home for work and school to rely almost entirely on high-speed internet, Comcast continues to enforce data caps on some of its home internet services in many states.1

    And that's just the tip of the iceberg of how Big Cable companies have taken advantage since Donald Trump and former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai took over the FCC and pushed through a repeal of the Open Internet Order. 

    AT&T has said it would exclude its own streaming service from data caps that it would apply to rivals' services.2 And perhaps most shockingly, during a major wildfire in California, Verizon throttled data for Santa Clara County, impeding the county fire department's ability to respond to the crisis -- until the county paid Verizon more money.3 

    By nominating a fifth commissioner to the FCC, Biden can ensure we have a majority at this crucial federal agency that can take on the telecoms, protect a free and open internet, and expand broadband.  

    It's time to ensure everyone—especially low-income neighborhoods and communities of color who have experienced the greatest harm by the digital divide—has affordable access to the internet.

    Even after Ajit Pai departed, strong open internet rules are blocked for the time being because of a 2–2 stalemate at the FCC. The internet needs President Biden to immediately nominate and the Senate to confirm a 5th commissioner to break the tie and reinstate strong rules. Will you help?

    Add your name: Tell President Biden to appoint a 5th FCC commissioner who will restore net neutrality!

    1. Ars Technica, "Comcast reluctantly drops data-cap enforcement in 12 states for rest of 2021" February 19, 2021.
    2. The Verge, "HBO Max won’t hit AT&T data caps, but Netflix and Disney Plus will," June 2, 2020.
    3. Ars Technica, "Verizon throttled fire department’s “unlimited” data during Calif. wildfire," August 21, 2018.