Demand Progress

Hold Supreme Court Justices accountable! We need a SCOTUS ethics act.

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    Hold Supreme Court Justices accountable! We need a SCOTUS ethics act.

    Petition to Congress:
    Pass the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal and Transparency Act.

    From the moment Judge Aileen Cannon was assigned the Trump Mar-a-Lago classified documents case, we knew there were serious ethical issues. Not only was she appointed by Trump, she has a history of issuing rulings in favor of Trump.1

    Now, only two weeks after the right-wing Supreme Court ruled that American presidents have “absolute immunity,” Cannon threw out the criminal charges against Trump stemming from the Mar-a-Lago case.2 Trump used the SCOTUS ruling to argue that he should be let off the hook for the classified documents case,3 and the judge he appointed went ahead and dismissed the case.

    This disastrous right-wing decision happened because there has been no accountability for the Court’s out of control corruption. Right-wing justices like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito should’ve never ruled on it because of their serious conflicts of interest. Before SCOTUS further destroys democracy, Congress must act swiftly to impose a strict, enforceable code of ethics on the Supreme Court.

    Sign the petition: Tell Congress to pass a SCOTUS ethics act to root out corruption on the Court. Hold the right-wing justices on the Court accountable!

    Justices Thomas and Alito both refused to recuse themselves in the Trump immunity case, even though they had clear conflicts of interest. That’s just the start of Thomas and Alito’s ethics violations. Every single right-wing justice on the Court has been enmeshed in serious ethics scandals. Congress CANNOT let this continue.

    Congress hasn’t taken the action necessary to stop corruption and preserve the fairness and independence of the Supreme Court. Now, the Court has handed the American presidency a shocking, dangerous level of power and may have let Trump off the hook.

    Add your name: Congress has sat on the sidelines long enough. Hold the right-wing justices on the Supreme Court accountable!


    1. The New Yorker, “Will the Judge in Trump’s Case Recuse Herself—or Be Forced To?” June 12, 2023.
    2. Politico, “Judge dismisses Trump’s Mar-a-Lago classified docs criminal case,” July 15, 2024.
    3. The Independent, “Trump throws a Clarence Thomas-sized wrench into Mar-a-Lago case after Supreme Court immunity ruling,” July 6, 2024.