Demand Progress

Sign the petition: Tell Congress to ban reverse search warrants!

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    Sign the petition: Tell Congress to ban reverse search warrants!

    Petition to Congress:
    Ban police from using reverse search warrants, like keyword searches and geofence location data.

    If you use Google, cops can see where you go and what you search for online.

    Police departments are increasingly leaning on Google to get access to internet search history and location data. And Google is rolling over and giving it to them, sacrificing your privacy in the process.1 This is a blatant violation of the 4th Amendment, which is why Congress needs to step up and stop this dead in its tracks.

    Sign the petition: Tell Congress to ban reverse internet search warrants!

    Rather than obtaining search warrants for a specific person--and demonstrating probable cause for committing a crime--police are demanding Google give them IP addresses of everyone based on “keyword warrants.” That means random and curiosity-driven googling could land you in a police database.

    That’s already frightening, but it gets even worse: In the past few years police have increasingly badgered Google for “geofence warrants,” leading Google to hand over location data of anyone who happened to cross a specific location.

    Your internet search history and your physical whereabouts are your personal business. Unless police can demonstrate probable cause, they shouldn’t be allowed access to what you’re typing into search engines or where you’re going.

    Technology is rapidly changing our lives and Congress can’t keep sleeping at the wheel as governments and tech companies stomp all over our constitutional rights. That’s why you need to speak up now to stop Google.

    Sign the petition: Tell Congress to ban reverse internet search warrants!


    1. Cnet, “Google is giving data to police based on search keywords, court docs show,” October 8, 2020.