Sign the petition: Pardon Edward Snowden!
Petition to the President:
I urge you to use your presidential authority to pardon Edward Snowden, an American whistleblower who acted on the conviction that the public had a right and need to know about a global mass surveillance system that exceeded the limits of the Constitution.
Edward Snowden risked it all to blow the whistle on the NSA's massive, secret – and unconstitutional – surveillance programs.
Snowden took a huge personal risk to bring these programs to light. His actions launched a vital national debate on whether the NSA should be spying on innocent Americans.
But for seven long years, Snowden has been forced to live in exile. He's still being threatened with spending the rest of his life in prison if he ever comes back to the United States. It's time for a full pardon for Edward Snowden.
Sign the petition: Pardon Edward Snowden!
In 2013 Edward Snowden took great risks to reveal to the American people that the National Security Agency was spying on them - and that the NSA was deceiving the public about it.
At the end of President Obama's term in office four years ago, Demand Progress and our partners delivered more than 1 million signatures to the White House urging a pardon for Snowden. But the president did not act and the opportunity was missed -- until now.
With another presidential term ending, now is an excellent time for Snowden to finally get a pardon. It's also an urgent moment, in case anyone who was strongly opposed to a Snowden pardon when they served in the Obama Administration is chosen for a job in the new administration.
Now is the time for Snowden to get the pardon he has long deserved. Can you help?
Add your name: Give a pardon to Edward Snowden!