Tell Congress: Bring Back the Expanded Child Tax Credit
Petition to Congress:
The expanded child tax credit was a huge win for American families. It lifted millions of households from the brink of poverty, helping to slash childhood poverty rates by nearly 50 percent.
Act now and bring back the expanded child tax credit.
In 2021 the expanded child tax credit helped slash childhood poverty rates by nearly 50 percent.1 It was one of the most successful programs in recent history but Congress let it expire at the end of 2021.2
Congress must prioritize bringing back the expanded Child Tax Credit during the lame duck session. It could be their last real chance to do so until maybe 2025 and failure to act will needlessly condemn millions of children to poverty.
Sign the petition: Tell Congress to bring back the expanded Child Tax Credit!
A recent report estimates that the cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 is about $300,000.3 The vast majority of American families do not have that kind of money. At a time when raising a child in America is more expensive than it has ever been, increasing the amount a family receives per child in their tax returns is the least that can be done.
Expanding the CTC is particularly possible right now because of its history of bipartisan support. In the past it has been expanded under Democrats AND Republicans (famously, Mitt Romney proposed his own version of the credit). The need is there and the coalition is there, so let’s get it done!
Sign the petition: Tell Congress to prioritize the expanded Child Tax Credit!