Demand Progress

Call on President Biden to stick to his word. Halt weapons shipments to Israel!

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    Call on President Biden to stick to his word. Halt weapons shipments to Israel!

    Petition to Congress:
    We urge you to call on President Biden to stick to his word by withholding offensive weapons shipments to Israel, and demand a permanent ceasefire now.

    President Biden is finally using his power to try to stop Netanyahu’s atrocities in Gaza.

    Earlier this week, President Biden held back a bomb shipment to Israel; now he says he won’t send offensive weapons to Israel at all if Netanyahu invades Rafah.1 This is to stop a devastating escalation in the atrocities against the Palestinian people and an even greater humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

    The Biden administration is hearing the millions of Americans calling for an end to U.S. support for Israel’s military — and asking the President to broker an immediate, permanent ceasefire! This is just a first step, so we must continue those calls until there’s peace for all Palestinians.

    Sign the petition: Tell Congress to urge President Biden to stick to his word by withholding offensive weapons shipments to Israel, and demand a permanent ceasefire now.

    After the Israeli military warned Palestinians to flee Rafah and took control of the Rafah border — which would make it even more difficult to get humanitarian aid to starving people in Gaza — President Biden decided to use weapons shipments as a bargaining chip. A policy reversal that he should have considered months ago.

    Hamas's attacks beginning on October 7 must be condemned, but Israel's response has been disproportionate and taken an extraordinary civilian toll — all while America has supplied the bombs and funding Israel needs to kill tens of thousands of Palestinians.

    President Biden and Congress should have stopped sending weapons and funding to Israel when it began its onslaught against innocent Palestinians — killing over 30,000 people in Gaza and blocking aid so that over a million face starvation. Our lawmakers are finally hearing our calls and messages, but we must keep the pressure on so an immediate lasting diplomatic peace deal is reached.

    Add your name: Our leaders in Congress must call on President Biden to keep withholding weapons shipments to Isreal, and demand a permanent ceasefire now.


    1. NBC News, "Biden says U.S. won't transfer offensive weapons if Israel invades Rafah,” May 8, 2024.